As a business that specialises in passenger and other types of lifts, we take our Corporate and Social Responsibilities very seriously, broadly categorising our activity into three main areas.

Equality & Diversity

We are committed to providing a working environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and able to happily work and contribute well, without prejudice. We encourage harmony and respect to achieve good working relationships that allows people to thrive. We actively recruit and train locally to ensure a cross-section of cultural origins and gender.

Business Ethics

We clearly define and communicate rules on Business Ethics via our policies that sets out how we manage our relationships with our clients and suppliers during tendering and post award of contracts and day-to-day business. We aim to ensure we always act in a moral, ethical, and legal way and do not compromise ourselves or others by our actions.

Environment & Sustainability

Temple Lifts is committed to Sustainability and minimising our impact on the Environment – our Corporate Responsibility initiatives and programmes aim to promote environmentally friendly products. To read more about Temple Lifts and the environment see our Environment Page